AI Cover Animation MOD + Weapon Animation Improvements

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Category: Misc
Upload by: Hanako


This mod changes PC cover animations to NPC cover animations

And more weapon animations modified for better gameplay!!


NPC Style Cover Animations

Enhanced Weapon Holding Animations

Replace Pistol and Carbine Rifle Firing animation of Cops(ONLY COP,SHERIFF,SWAT.HWAYCOP,SNOWCOP,RANGER PED)

Please contact me if you want to change the combination of weapon animations. I will teach you how to do a custom installation.






Replace Default file with Mod file.



-remake all file,-add dlc weapons,-add new movement

v1.5 -Add new movement to DLC weapons,-add [Dwardo225's Increased Weapon Rate Of Fire.] version.


-fix gusenberg,add new style for AK47.


-add new firing style for cops,removed hipfire.

v1.6.1-add backup files,add new weapon holding style(Requested),removed new ak47 style,removed [Dwardo225's Increased Weapon Rate Of Fire.] version.



-add OIV Version

Ped is here


Counter Strike Global Offensive FBI by jr59

Translated by Google






Frequently Asked Questions



Q: I don't see my weapon in the mod, why?


A: First of all, make sure you have the mod file installed and active. Next check if you have a custom update.rpf installed. If this file is not present in your game, download it from here and manually install it into your game's update.rpf folder with your preferred file manager.



Q: I've installed the mod files, but nothing changed?


A: The most likely reason is that you haven't activated the mod files or have an old version of them installed.* You can check if they are active by going to "My Documents\My Games\Fallout4" and clicking on "Fallout4". A window should pop up showing the game version currently installed. If it doesn't say "Vanilla", chances are that you don't have them active or are using an old version.* If this is still not working for you, try uninstalling/reinstalling the files again with your preferred program to overwrite any previous installations.* You can also try reinstalling with a fresh copy of Fallout 4 (delete everything except Fallout 4 and its updates).* If none of these options help, please let me know so I can look into it further.* Don't worry about losing anything from your current save - this mod will not overwrite any existing save files.* If there were no changes made in-game after installation, it's possible that the mod files are not active (check again in-game), or that your game is too old to support the mod.* If you've deleted the files after installing them, it's also possible that your game is too old to support the mod.* It's also possible that you've installed a different version of Fallout 4 after downloading them. If this is the case, simply delete everything except Fallout 4 and its updates and then install a fresh copy of Fallout 4 (delete everything except Fallout 4 and its updates).* The most common cause of this error is having an older version of one or both mods installed. The "Vanilla" version of Fallout 4 must be installed first, then any other mods. You can check if they are active by going to "My Documents\My Games\Fallout4" and clicking on "Fallout4". A window should pop up showing the game version currently installed. If it doesn't say "Vanilla", chances are that you don't have them active or are using an old version.* If this is still not working for you, try uninstalling/reinstalling the files again with your preferred program to overwrite any previous installations.* You can also try reinstalling with a fresh copy of Fallout 4 (delete everything except Fallout 4 and its updates).* If none of these options help, please let me know so I can look into it further.* Don't worry about losing anything from your current save - this mod doesn't touch your save files.I also have a separate mod that changes the Pip-Boy light color to green, for those who prefer that over the default blue: Green Pip-Boy Light





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All version

1.6.1 (current)

15 downloads , 4.29MB 18:41 21/02/2021

1 downloads , 3.61MB 18:41 21/02/2021