GTA V Language Tool

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Category: Tools
Upload by: Gang1111


You dont like the Language of your installed GTA 5 and Dont want to install the Game again only to change the Language?

I give you the Chance to change the Language without reinstall your game.

--- What do this Tool?

It only edit the GTA 5 Language Registry file. It dont install New Languages.

The confimation of the Change are visible when you Press "Set Language". The Current Language Text Changes.

Hope you like it :D

_________ CONTENTS _________

1. System Requirement

2. Information

3. How to use

4. FAQ

5. Credits

6. Changelog

_________ System Requirement _________

--- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

_________ Information _________

This Tool use the Original Game Languages. It not insall a new Language!

Comments about "add Lanugage" will ignored!

Tested on GTA Online!

No Guarantee or Support for Pirated Versions of GTA5!!!

_________ How to use _________

1. Run the .exe file as administrator.

2. Choose a language from the dropdown.

3. Press the "Set Language" button.

_________ FAQ _________

--- What do this Tool exactly?

It changes the language file from GTA 5 in the Registry.

--- Are there more planned features?

No not on this Tool. But iam working on some other useful Tools for GTA 5 :)

I only Release Updates to make it 100% work without Bugs.

--- Has this Tool Bugs or Errors?

I hope not.

_________ Credits _________

- Gang1111 (Developer)

- Notice Me Senpai (for his Idea)

_________ Changelog _________

--- 3.3

- [Added] "Simplified Chinese" to social club/retail version

- [Added] "Traditional Chinese" to social club/retail version

- [Fix] Flag disappearing when "Simplified Chinese" is selected

- [Removed] The messagebox on first start
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