Hangover missions pack [Build a Mission]

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Upload by: alebal


We continue here: https://it.gta5-mods.com/scripts/alebal3-missions-pack-mission-maker with the new Mission Maker by aimles.

Now you can play with Michael, Franklin, Trevor, Lamar, Lester, Ron, Wade, Amanda, Jimmy, Tracy and many others.

You can go into vehicles as passenger, go inside interiors, open doors, hack pc and safes, use new vehicles, interact with new characters, and the missions are much more complex and improved thanks to a lot of new features.


I started a new big missions pack!

I still have some ideas, some tests, some things left in the middle that I could not put in the last missions pack, so I decided to start a new one.

Find it here: https://it.gta5-mods.com/scripts/alebal2-missions-pack-build-a-mission#description_tab


What the hell happened last night? Nobody remembers nothing!

Missions list:

Hangover 001 - The awakening

Hangover 002 - Wade

Hangover 003 - Lazlow

Hangover 004 - Madrazo

Hangover 005 - Mr Tao

Hangover 006 - Ron

Hangover 007 - Tracy

Hangover 008 - Jimmy

Hangover 009 - Lamar

Hangover 010 - Back to LS

Hangover 011 - Amanda

Hangover 012 - Dave

Hangover 013 - Solomon

Hangover 014 - Peach

Hangover 015 - Tao traslator

Hangover 016 - Cletus

Hangover 017 - Lester

Hangover 018 - The van

Hangover 019 - The gutter

Hangover 020 - Meet the boss

Hangover 021 - Commissions

Hangover 022 - Steal the car of idiot

Hangover 023 - Bring back the car to the idiot

Hangover 024 - Destroy the car of idiot

Hangover 025 - The deal

Hangover 026 - One last thing

Hangover 100 - Lester revenge (F)

Hangover 100 - Lester revenge (M)

Hangover 100 - Lester revenge (T)

Play with Franklin, to give sense to story.


you need build-a-mission https://it.gta5-mods.com/scripts/build_a_mission

After you install build-a-mission extract the archive and copy it into the root folder of gta 5


My others missions pack:

alebal missions pack - So now what?

Franklin & Lamar Missions Pack

Hangover Missions pack

Michael Day Missions Pack

Trevor Day Missions pack

1.2 fixed some bug and update to BAM 2.3.6 version

1.1 fixed some bug

Build a mission translator

I saw someone trying to translate my missions, but it's really a hard work.

Some have certainly begun with such goodwill, but after the first 2-3 missions have surrendered.

So I decided to create this tool that simplifies things.

Build a mission translator: http://www.alebalweb-blog.com/56-gta-5-build-a-mission-translator.html

(Can someone please correct my translations? I often use translators, and often translators translate what they want, and It seems to me that they always work worse)


Create maps and scripts for this game is a big work and take a lot of time !! So if you like my uploads and want to encourage me, you can donate by the way of paypal by clicking under my nickname
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1.2 (current)

16 downloads , 0.00B 20:33 21/02/2021