Hollywood Sign by _Vlad_ edited to Hollyweed Sign by Xeromorf
version 1.2
added added Bojack Horseman Hollywoo Style for @Pickles256
version 1.1
fixed the distance problem
credits for that:
@_Vlad_ for making the Hollywood sign and suporting me
@cgz for finding the LOD2 original sign
In this mod, you will replace Vinewood sign with Hollywood sing and Hollyweed sign. Wait, what? Hollywood sign is already out there. Yes!! You will need it.
So go ahead and check this out first
Instructions in the file
Have fun and stay positive!!
Q: Is this mod compatible with [insert name here] mod?
A: I don't know. I'm not responsible for any mods that replace the same files as this mod.
Q: Why there is no normal map for v1.0?
A: The distance between the ground and the sign is too long, so I had to make a new LOD model. It will be released in v1.1 soon.
Q: I don't see the signs. What's going on?
A: Make sure you have "editable" in the name of the sign file. The default filename is "editable_sign_hollyweed_v1.x". The x means version, so if you are using v1.0, replace it with 1.
Q: I changed the name of edtiable_sign_hollyweed_v1 and it still doesn't work! Why?
A: Make sure you have replaced "edtiable" in the name with "_edtiable".
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