Lore-friendly Sports Wheels Pack (LFSWP) [Add-On | LODs]

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Category: Vehicles
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With the arrival of the newest Atomic Performance tires, they have been all the craze. Their higher profile sidewall has improved the comfort of daily driving on the bumpy roads of Los Santos, and the much improved tire manufacturing methods have made them stick to the road just as well, while bringing the price down to chump change levels. As a bonus, they finally look the part, finally look fitting for the Sports category.

Completely remastered all vanilla GTA V Sports wheels with a refreshing tire tread, and better looking tire textures, thanks to TG_Stig. Wheel size has also been reduced, and many fixes and improvements have been made to these wheels. Also added are custom-made wheels with plans to add many more. This pack is an Add-On and is usable in FiveM servers.


-Remastered every sports wheel in the game, along with adding a couple extra ones, and a plan to make loads more.

Mods used:

Vulcar Hachura R

Ubermacht Sentinel SG4

Sentinel SG4 Tuner livery Pack

Annis Euros

Ubermacht Sentinel SG3 Pack

Maibatsu Vincent Sport



-TG_Stig for letting me modify and use tire textures from the Enhanced Atomic Tires Pack

-Capimeeen, Valantè Luize Sushi, and pawpcap for screenshots

Special thanks to:

-pawpcap for being a Patron
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