Los Santos Bus Service (as client), bus transport service in Los Santos, player as passenger [OpenIV]

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Category: Scripts
Upload by: Mehdi Zoubai


Los Santos is alive!!!!


- OpenIV ,

- Mods folder.

- ScriptHookV,

- ScriptHookVDotNet,

- Bus Simulator V,

- Gameconfig for Limitless Vehicles.

OTHER MODS (Optional)

You may need this if you got models disapearing or game crashes:

- Heap adjuster,

- Packfile limit adjuster.


In GTA 5, the majority of players travel by car, legally acquired or requisitioned from a passerby, or by taxi, even if this has a cost, but few are those who think of public transport. It must be said that only the tram is an option accessible in the game as a passenger: the only means of taking the bus are to hold the wheel ... or to climb on the roof. That didn't stop a helpful GTA 5 fan from making and posting on reddit a fictitious map of the bus services that could be set up in Los Santos!

This mod makes this fictitious map real and brings bus service to Los Santos!


- Metro local downtown lines (from 2 to 60), other lines not yet,

- Metro express not yet,

- Metro rapid not yet.


- Realistic liveries inspired from real Los Angeles buses one for Metro local and one for Metro express, Metro rapid not yet,

- Spawn peds in bus stops in line 10, other lines not yet,

- Exiting bus animtions not yet,

- Player exit from the reardoor not yet,

- Worktimes and similar frequency of the bus map.


Something in miscs with package installer (oiv) and something to "scripts" folder.

How to install is included in instruction.txt.


2.0 beta:

- First release.


- Rockstar games (not for missing enter and exit animations but for in bus animations like using tablets and drinking coffee),

- Alexander Blade,

- Crosire,

- I'm Not MentaL,

- Yoha,

- m101m102m103 (for reddit map),

- OpenIV team,

- t1a2l,

- sollaholla.


You can't play Bus Simulator V if LSBS is installed.

This is a beta version just to test and to insure that this is possible and of cource this will be improved, so help us to make it better by reporting issues or donating.

Report especially path issues like when the bus blocks somewhere or doesn't move.

This mod has been made after a long work and lot of fixing of annoying things like NPC's stupidity, if you like this mod donate! or report issues.

Do NOT redistribute or reupload without getting permission from the author of the reuploaded file!
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