LSPD Pack [Lore-Friendly]


If you want to follow the progress of my other mods or chat with me, feel free to join my discord server!

This pack makes heavy use of the vehicle extra system and requires easy to install base vehicles.meta edits for that, if you want the pack to work correctly PLEASE follow the instructions of the included readme, it's important.

A dedicated pack for the Los Santos Police Department.

This pack was made with LSPDFR usage in mind and has been tested extensively with it right from the beginning

It was made sure that all vehicles have their role in the mod and enhance the gameplay, you can also find equipment added for extra LSPDFR immersion.

Additionally all patrol cars feature trunk equipment, so you don't have to look at a big pile of nothing while having the trunk opened.



- complete remake of most of the existing vehicles

- new lightbars and light setups

- new trunk equipment

- a lot of new assets

- new Wintergreen Motorcycle!

- new slicktop Stanier with a special light setup as extra!

- new retro Stanier with chrome parts and retro light setups!

- new unmarked Merit!

- new unmarked Buffalo S!

- Buffalo replaced with a Buffalo S

- Insurgent replaced with Riot

- added new handling lines

- red interior lights for all patrol vehicles

- a lot of new extras for most vehicles

- improved liveries

- various other additions and edits

- various bug fixes

This pack includes

- LSPD Stanier - "police"

- LSPD Stanier slicktop - "policeslick"

- LSPD Stanier retro - "policeold"

- LSPD Stanier unmarked - "police4"

- LSPD Buffalo S - "police2"

- LSPD Buffalo S unmarked - "police42"

- LSPD Interceptor - "police3"

- LSPD Contender - "beachp"

- LSPD Scout - "pscout"

- LSPD Speedo - "polspeedo"

- LSPD Wintergreen - "lspdb"

- LSPD Merit - "polmerit2"

- LSPD Riot - "polriot"

- A "vehicle extra map", which shows you the vehicles and the extras they can spawn with

- Optional content (new handling lines for the vanilla patrol cars, extra special division

liveries for the Contender, vanilla engine sound for the Stanier)

- A config for LSPDFR so all vehicles can be selected and called as backup.


11john11 - liveries, Contender improvements, trunk equipment, Stanier improvements, traffic unit pushbar, new wheel models for various cars,

Trackify stolen vehicle tracking system, Buffalo improvements, improved console setup, mini front flashers, Scout improvements, emissives for the vanilla style MX7000 Lightbar,

round ALPRs, speed radar

Fenton - mapped Stanier, mapped Contender, mapped Speedo, mapped Riot, mapped Buffalo

IVPack team, _CP_ - Merit

Vx5 Voltage - improved Merit

Monky - overhauled Merit

GCT - Scout model

Dani02 - Scout conversion, stock Buffalo S

IlayArye, Vx5 Voltage, 11john11 - mapped Scout

w/ - Stanier rear TA, vanilla style Arjent lightbar fixes, Wintergreen motorcycle

Voit Turyv - improved interior lights, Stanier improvements, interior console, police computer, various LED modules, Antennas

Jacobmaate - Scout improvements, vanilla style Arjent lightbar, grille textures, antennas

EVI, bravo-one-charlie - lightbar feet

Allen - Arjent glass fixes

Vx5 Voltage - overhauled Stanier, Buffalo, Scout and Interceptor models, bumper stickers, vanilla style MX7000 Lightbar

glennoconnell - stock Contender

Lt.Caine - new Buffalo taillight design

M4k3 - retro Stanier hubcaps

Eddlm - new Contender handling, optional new handlings for Stanier, Buffalo and Interceptor

AlexanderLB - Various LSPD decals, Wiwang Emergency Lighting System texture, police computer texture, Improved Merit badge sheet

NefariousBonne - Police Interceptor third brakelight, bumper stickers

Crizby - "WeWATCH" bumper sticker

actuallytoxic - spotlights

Nachtfliege/Nacho - Stanier hubcap fixes, interior light model, police radio fixes, interior divider

RDE team - police vest

Skitty - Wiwang Emergency Lighting System model, ALPR model, interior lights for the unmarked Buffalo

Terms of Use

All of the following terms of use have been discussed with the main contributors of this pack.

- Do not put content of this pack on multiplayer servers without explicit permission.

- If you intent on using assets from this pack that weren't made by me:

Please ask the authors yourself to ensure they are alright with that.

- If you intent on using assets made by me:

feel free to use them for your projects as long as the other terms of use are respected.

- Do not try to rip locked content from this pack, a few models had to be locked due to

requests from their Authors.

- Do not exploit content of this pack for commercial, financial or personal gain,

note that this includes commissions + Patreon early access and exclusive content too.

Recommended mods to use alongside this pack:





Q: I have a request for a new model, what should I do?

A: Please read the 'Requests' section above.


Q: Can you make a custom skin for me?

A: I'm not able to do custom skins due to the pack already having so many. If you want to suggest a skin please include some relevant information and I will see if it fits into the pack.


Q: Can you make a custom sound effect for me?

A: I'm not able to do custom sounds due to the pack already having so many. If you want to suggest a sound effect please include some relevant information and I will see if it fits into the pack.


Q: Can you update this pack with new models?

A: I'm not able to update this pack with new models due to the time needed for new models and time needed for testing. If you have any questions regarding this please contact me on Discord (@LSPDFR).


Q: I found a bug, what should I do?

A: Please report it here in this thread ( or contact me on Discord (@LSPDFR) or via PM ( or PM me on Discord (@LSPDFR).



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