[MLO] GunShop Extended Interior [Add-On / SP / FiveM]

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Category: Maps
Upload by: Comunista_CZ



Zdravím, tuto modifikace pro GTA 5 a FiveM lze take použít pro RageMP nebo Alt:V tento mod smíte použít s přiznáním všech práv autorovy "Comunista_CZ".

Instalace SP:

1. Otevřete OpenIV

2. Najdete stejno jmený RPF soubor a ten pomoci OpenIV překopírujete do šložky mods (OpenIV vám tuto možnost nabídne pokud zapnete "Edit Mode")

3. Nahradníte daný soubor za soubor z modu.

4. A můžete hrát.

Instalace FiveM:

1. Dáte do složky "[maps]" složku "GSEX"

2. Do server.cfg vložíte řádek "start GSEX"

3. Zapnete server a můžete hrát.


Hello, this modification for GTA 5 and FiveM can also be used for RageMP or Alt: You may use this mod with all rights of the author "Comunista_CZ".

SP Installation:

1. Open OpenIV

2. Find the same RPF file and use OpenIV to copy it to the mods folder (OpenIV will offer this option if you turn on "Edit Mode")

3. Replace the file with the file from the mode.

4. And you can play.

All people and projects in this blacklist can't use my interiors and mods on their servers.


All project from "✌❖𝙇𝖆𝔃𝔂𝕭𝓸𝜰𝔂❖✌#6139" and his project "[CZ/SK] RealRP" (Now "⚠ FubeX ⚠#6139")

To install FiveM:

1. Put "GSEX" folder in "[maps]" folder

2. Insert the line "start GSEX" into server.cfg

3. Turn on the server and play.

Terms of use for FiveM/Alt:V/RageMP

1. Share my discord on your server discord/website [Link: https://discord.gg/xAuaR7R]

2. Inform your players that this map was created by: Comunista_CZ
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