This is my new custom creation! A belly for pregnant character!
Atention This is a jacket, so for use the "pregnant belly" you have to chance you jacket.
I did some custom textures and will release free ones in my discord. Soon to come more creations!
INSTRUCTIONS for singlePlayer on readme
Discord:Aegrien 0001
Discord Server:
Q: How to use this mod?
A: It's easy! Just put a pregnant belly on your character, and you will get the "pregnant belly" on the screen, if you're not already.
Q: Why don't I have this mod?
A: If your character is pregnant, you have to have the "pregnant belly" on your character. You can't just wear the mod and expect it to work.
Q: Is it possible to remove pregnancy?
A: Yes it is! Go into the console, click on your sim's head and type "StopPregnancy".
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