San Andreas Traffic

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As of now, I am unhappy with the current state of the mod, that's why you aren't able to download San Andreas Traffic. However, I am currently working on a complete overhaul.

"The major second-hand car market of San Andreas finally updated its assortment of cars driving around and an LSPD spokesperson told us that therefore the number of grand theft autos dramatically increased all across the state. As an adequate answer, the spokesperson said that the law enforcement authorities of San Andreas started to patrol the streets of San Andreas. Also, the LSPD announced to use their various unused police vehicles to fight crime more effectively."

-Weazel News, confirming your prejudices!

This mod is an edit of the popgroups.ymt, popcycle.dat and dispatch.meta file,

responsible for which cars and how many are spawned in traffic and controlling which police units are spawned during wanted levels.


-gerneral overhaul of all main vehicle spawning groups

-various DLC vehicles until Lowriders update will spawn in traffic

-LSPD patrolling LS with Police Cruiser, Buffalo and Interceptor

-LSSD patrolling Los Santos County, Blaine County and highways with Sheriff Cruiser and Granger

-improved wanted level system police spawning

-support for both LSPD Vehicle Pack and Sheriff & FIB Replacement Pack by Captain14

-support for mpimportexport in SP

-various unique truck trailers used in missions are now spawning naturally in traffic > see section 'Truck Trailer Add-On' in the ReadMe

You can find the exact changelog of Version 1.2 in the download archive

If you encounter issues regarding police cars spawning without occupants, use Dispatch 'Ghost' Fix by Bilago:

Many internal vehicle names are different from the ones shown in-game,

so please, if you're feeling like some vehicles which should be driving around are missing, tell me so I can take take a closer look!


-decrypted popgroups.ymt from Cops: Back On The Beat 2.0 by Olanov

-slightly modified popcycle.dat from Cops: Back On The Beat 2.0 by Olanov:

-slightly modified dispatch.meta from Better Wanted Level System Police Spawning 2.2.2 by Yard1 (formerly, Version 1.0 only):
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