Sandy Shores Redux by Jaaag

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Category: Maps
Upload by: RacermanXtreme


Only the FiveM community I develop for can use this mod on FiveM at any time ( Single-Player use is permitted.

Do NOT use this mod on ANY FIVEM servers or other multiplayer method (UNLESS you're given WRITTEN PERMISSION by ME! My name is RacermanXtreme aka Jaguar. My Discord is RacermanXtreme(hashtag)4205 and that's the only contact method I'll use to permit use of this mod for FiveM servers.) Also, do not distribute this mod, or alter this mod for any reason. It comes as is.

All of the other mods I've seen just didn't quite cut it- props were above ground, unrealistic, and there aren't many Sandy Shores redux options out there, so I decided to make my own to show off my skills in properly placing objects. I've uploaded the official 1.0 version of my project, and yes, there's a few props that got shifted due to the XML to YMAP conversion, but overall, the mod is made to make modded map models look good for a change without ruining that good ol' Grand Senora Desert vibe. An updated version may release in the future to fix any issues with props (or just remove the bad ones altogether).
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