Stow That Weapon 2.0.3 SETTINGS ONLY

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DeleteWeaponKey = Decimal //The key for deleting the weapon off the player's back.

HideWhileInVehicle = true //If true, the weapon will be invisible while the player is in a vehicle.

DisableFlashlight = false //If true, the weapon will not show the flashlight component on the back of both the player and AI.

AcceptedWeapons = weapon_smg, weapon_pumpshotgun, weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2, weapon_carbinerifle, weapon_carbinerifle_mk2, weapon_specialcarbine, weapon_specialcarbine_mk2 //List of weapons that will show on the player's back.

OffsetPosition = 0.0,-0.17,-0.02 //Position of the weapon relative to the player's Spine3 bone.

Rotation = 0.0,165,0.0 //Rotation of the weapon for the player.


EnableAI = true //If true, enables support for the AI.

EnableBestWeapon = true //If true, the best weapon in the ped's inventory will show on their back if they have not yet equipped an accepted weapon.

CopsOnly = false //If true, will only show weapons on the back of cops. Otherwise, will work on all peds in the game.

HideWhileInVehicle = true //If true, the weapon will be invisible while the ped is in a vehicle.

AcceptedWeapons = weapon_smg, weapon_pumpshotgun, weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2, weapon_carbinerifle, weapon_carbinerifle_mk2, weapon_specialcarbine, weapon_specialcarbine_mk2 //List of weapons that will show on the peds' backs.

OffsetPosition = 0.0,-0.17,-0.02 //Position of the weapon relative to the ped's Spine3 bone.

Rotation = 0.0,165,0.0 //Rotation of the weapon for AI.

List of weapon names (you must use the "weapon_blahblah" format):


Accepted weapons will show on your back

You must first equip the weapon, then switch to another or holster it

If you switch to another accepted weapon, that will replace current stowed weapon

Stowed weapon will show all attachments and tint

Option to disable the flashlight since it activates when you use the flashlight on your equipped weapon

Customizable accepted weapons, offset position, and rotation

Option to hide weapon on back while in a vehicle (will be restored when you exit the vehicle)

Key to delete the weapon from your back on the fly, default Decimal key (the one on your numpad) (keys reference -

Customizable support for AI peds


Extract BackWeapon.dll and BackWeapon.ini to your Plugins folder

Load with RPH

This is only for the ini settings

Settings are CREATED by me, did a re-upload because it needs the files, again... all the rights goes to the lspdfr "By Will", I worked for the settings to get it fit into the vests

Open BackWeapon.ini File and replace to whatever vest you want it to fit in


For the small vest in the blue tshirt picture setting are

OffsetPosition = 0.0,0.27,-0.02

Rotation = 0.0,320,175

Big vests like the second picture with the holster jeans settings are

OffsetPosition = -0.1,0.22,-0.02

Rotation = 165,135,0.0





Q: This is not working, what am I doing wrong?

A: Make sure you have the correct file downloaded to the correct location. If you are using v1 of this mod, please make sure you are using RPH 1.6 or later. If you are using RPH 1.5 or earlier, please update to RPH 1.6 or later before installing this mod.


Q: Why does this not work with my vest?

A: You might have a vest that has a collar that sticks up into the back of your neck and when you try to draw your weapon it clips on your hood and won't let it come out. I don't know what type of vest it is but if it is a jacket or sweater vest with an actual collar, don't use my mod and try to use the default one instead (BackWeapon). If this still doesn't work for you, then I recommend trying my other mods instead in case they solve your problem better than mine do (BackWeapon_RPH).


Q: Can I use this on more than one character at once?

A: No




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