Updated Ped List For Map Editor

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Category: Tools
Upload by: A1Draco



This adds DLC Peds for the Map Editor mod by Guadmaz


Script Hook V

Script Hook V NET

Native UI

Map Editor


*Automatic Installation: Open OIV file in folder downloaded, install this into the game folder

*Manual Installation: Open your GTA V Directory File, From there open the "scripts" folder, Then drag and drop the ObjectList.ini that's provided in the Download folder into the "scripts" folder.


v1.0 (Low Rider DLC/Biker DLC):

*All The Default Peds

*All The Biker DLC Peds

*All The Low Rider DLC Peds

v1.1 (Major Fixes):

*Major List Fix/Invalid Ped Fix

v1.2 (Executives & Other Criminals DLC):

*All The Executives and Other Criminals DLC Peds

v1.3 (Import/Export DLC):

*All The Import Export DLC Peds

v1.4 (Cunning Stunt: Special Vehicle Circuit):

*All The Special Races DLC Peds

v1.5 (Gun Running DLC):

*All The Gun Running DLC Peds

v1.6 (Smugglers Run DLC):

*All The Smugglers Run DLC Peds

v1.7 (Low Riders DLC 2):

*All The Low Rider 2 DLC Peds

v1.8 (After Hours):

*All The MPChristmas2017 DLC Peds

v1.9 (Arena War DLC):

*All The Arena Wars DLC Peds

v2.0 (The Diamond Casino & Resort DLC):

*All The Diamond And Resort Casino DLC Peds

v2.1 (The Diamond Casino & Resort Heist DLC):

*All The Diamond And Resort Casino Heist DLC Peds

v2.2 (The Summer 2020 DLC):

*All The Summer 2020 DLC Peds

v2.3 (Cayo Perico Heist DLC):

*All The Cayo Perico Heist DLC Peds

V2.4 (Major Fixes):

*Major List Fix/Invalid Ped Fix

*Peds Are Now A-Z Alphabetical Order

V2.5 (Major Fixes)

*Hashcode Needed To Be Fixed

Created By: A1Draco

*Do Not Copy/Replicate my mod, and upload it to this site or any other site*

© A1Draco
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2.5 (Cayo Perico Heist DLC) (current)

9 downloads , 70.74KB 15:08 20/02/2021

16 downloads , 61.55KB 15:08 20/02/2021